The story

Euromedia Research - Community
Euromedia Research Community

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Community Euromedia

Founded in Milan in 2003, Euromedia Research is today one of the most important institutes operating in Italy in market research.

The institute carries out surveys that cover the entire panorama of social and market research in terms of aims, areas and sectors, methodologies and procedures.

Euromedia Research carries out ad hoc research as a “complete service” and is able to manage any research project, from conception to methodology, from the gathering of information to statistical analysis and interpretation of data up to the presentation and definition of marketing strategies.

Each service offered by the Institute bases its value on a real usability of the results produced, made possible by a high-level consulting approach and dedicated to collaboration in a synergy with the customer.

The philosophy of Euromedia Research, which has always been opposed to the production of “standardized” and mass-produced models, is based on a tailoring study of projects that are always designed to meet the Customer’s specific needs.

Thanks to the integration of different unique and proprietary methodologies and the use of a plurality of consolidated technologies, Euromedia Research’s marketing research is able to meet the cognitive and exploratory objectives of several fields of investigation.

The skills built and improved in years of experience, make the Institute able to design and conduct social and opinion research for the study, implementation and distribution of “social products”: brands, public personalities, new concepts, social groups, political subjects, territorial excellence, companies,….

Euromedia Research also realize tests on advertising communication (pre and post-test), concept and product testing, ad hoc surveys on brand identity, corporate image and digital environment.

Traditional methods, new technologies, innovative and digital methodologies are combined in a constantly updated service system and expertise that allows the results of any research carried out to be integrated with specialized strategic consulting activities.

Alessandra Paola Ghisleri

Alessandra Paola Ghisleri

Alessandro Erba

Alessandro Erba

Political Polls
Francesco Letteriello

Francesco Letteriello

Research new media
Angela Mocci

Angela Mocci

Market research social, Customer satisfaction, Corporate Reputation
Valeria Falanga

Valeria Falanga

Ornela Gjeli

Ornela Gjeli

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